viernes, 19 de febrero de 2010

Cruel Intentions, not the best movie but a must see

There are like 1000 different Cruel Intentions movies, I haven't bothered to watch any of them except for the first one. The movie was released in 1999; Ryan Phillippe, Reese Witherspoon, and Sarah Michelle Gellar star in it. People over their twenties would probably consider this movie to be ridiculous, if you are younger though, it definitely is a must see. It's a movie about two wealthy adolescents, their parents are married to eachother and they have nothing to do but spend money.
Sebastian (Phillippe), prides himself in ruining girl's lives by lying to them in order to get them into bed. Kathryn (Michelle Gellar) has a double life, she appears to be the perfect daughter and perfect student but she is a promiscuous girl who wants to sleep with everybody just for fun while trying to keep her reputation intact. Reese Witherspoon plays Annette, a virginal girl from Kansas who is the next school Headmaster's daughter. Sebastian, bored with his mediocre conquests, sets himself the nearly impossible goal of lying his way into bed with her. Kathryn is doubtful that he will accomplish his goal and makes a bet with him. The rest of the movie is about Sebastian trying to make Annette sleep with him and falling for her in the process. There is also a sub-plot that involves Sebastian awakening another innocent girl's libido, a girl who unknowingly stole Kathryn's boyfriend.
It's basically a story about adolescence and how, when at that age, people take life too seriously. Sebastian ends up dying because he dives in front of a car that was about to run over Annette while she was trying to save him from a fight with the innocent girl's boyfriend.
This movie teaches us two things; the first one, don't take life too seriously. The second lesson it teaches is that what goes around comes around.
A truly ridiculous movie if you overanalyze it, but worth watching.

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